Hours of worship, international guest speakers, life-changing messages, interactive shows, prayer, youth & young adults shows, fun & more... We have planned for you!

Thursday 20th March, 19:00 - 21:00 (Campus & Check In opens at 17:30)

Friday 21st March, 14:00 – 21:00 (Campus & Check In opens at 13:00)

Saturday 22nd March, 09:00 – 13:00 (Campus opens at 08:00)

401 West Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg, South Africa

BUSES FROM WEST CAMPUS TO NORTH CAMPUS There will be buses coming from West Campus to North Campus for the duration of the conference. Please make sure to select this option when purchasing your ticket. There is no charge for the bus

Revolutions, Ignite and Liberty Compassion are partnering together at the RE:Ignite Conference to collect Stationary for Liberty Compassion's Homework Room. You can either bring one or all of the items (A4 whiteboards, whiteboard markers, blue bic pens, HB pencils, sharpners & erasers) to RE:Ignite Conference and place it in the Compassion Station.

Youth & Young Adult Pastor, !Audacious Church

Youth & Young Adult Pastor, !Audacious Church

Youth & Young Adult Pastor, Valley Church